To set the scene:
It's rainy today (I love this.) This morning, it was pouring with thunder and lightening and it was so dark out at 10 am it felt like 8 at night. So, we are snug and cozy inside listening to the rain beat down out outside (making our basement wet but such is life.)
The boys, as usual, are at each other's throats so I put in a movie for them (Curious George, because it's one of the movies that doesn't make me want to poke sharpened pencils in my ears...Super Mario Brothers - this means you)
Jake wants to watch Cartoon Network - a channel that I pretty much never let them watch anyway. I say no so he turns Zack on me too. Zack doesn't want to watch Cartoon Network, he's pretty satisfied with Curious George. In the span of 60 seconds though, they are *both* whining for Cartoon Network. (Whining doesn't fly around here so any chances of getting to watch it flew out the window at that point.)
Jake: Zackie, do you want to watch Cartoon Network?
Zack: No
J: Zackie, do you want to watch Cartoon Network or Curious George?
Z: Curious George
J (taking a different tact): Zackie, do you want to watch Cartoon Network or Sprout?
Z: Sprout
J: Do you want to watch Cartoon Network or Noggin?
Z: Noggin
J: Do you want to watch Cartoon Network or nothing?
Z: Cartoon Network
J: "MOMMY...
Cue chants of "Cartoon Network" from *both* boys.
See what he did there? This kid rivals bugs bunny in his cunningness. And it's only just begun. Hold me.
One other thing I keep meaning to mention. Melissa Inman mentioned the following on
her blog a few days ago:
Scrapbooks etc. is kicking off a really exciting venture this year: ScrapPink! We're asking local scrapbook stores throughout North America to join us in hosting weekend crops September 28-30 and donate a portion of the proceeds raised to breast cancer awareness and research as part of our partnership with Susan G. Komen. Check out the ScrapPink Web site to see if a store near you is participating, or bug your local store to get involved.
We also wanted to come up with a way you could all be directly involved in this effort, so we've come up with a few contests. One is to design a ScrapPink t-shirt that event attendees will be able to purchase and wear to the show. The other is to design a card, page, or album kit. The winning kit designs will be featured in the October issue of Scrapbooks etc. and the photos and directions for the projects will be sent to all the stores participating in ScrapPink so their attendees can create their versions of your designs.
It's a great cause, a great event, and a great chance for you to be published and win $250 in product from all our ScrapPink sponsors. So again, check out the ScrapPink Web site to learn more and get involved!
I've been touched by breast cancer in my family as I'm sure many of you have. Check out the
scrappink website and see if your LSS is participating. I know
mine is. If their not, give them a call and see if they'd consider it.
If you're so inclined, get to work designing a t-shirt, card, page or album kit. It's a great opportunity to contribute some designs and possibly win a cool prize. Everyone wins.