actually, it's been a really good week.
Today, I exercised, for the SECOND day in a row...I know for many of you this is no big deal but for me it is HUGE. You see, I'm a lazy person by nature so the effort it takes me to get off my butt is exponentially greater than the desire to stay planted firmly ON my butt. Now that I've done it for a couple of days though, I'm feeling I can keep it up. I'm not sure how much I weigh or how much I need to lose (we don't have a scale here and I like it that way!) I don't think it's that much though...I'll know I'm successful when my clothes fit the way they used to. That's all I'm looking for.
And on a related note, I went grocery shopping today and didn't buy any Oreos or Pizza Rolls - again, exercising some supreme willpower, hehe.
I got a phone call today to set up a phone interview with Target next week. I *think* it's a manager position in their distribution center (aka, a warehouse manager...right up my alley since that's EXACTLY what I did when I worked at Gallo) It's not my dream job but after 7 months of looking and nary a bite, I'll take what I can get. We need benefits (and I've heard Target has great ones) and the discount isn't bad either (especially as half the money I spend seems to go there anyway!) Sooooo, wish me luck. If I don't post about the interview going well though, don't ask...I promise I'll let y'all know if it's good news, otherwise, I don't want to talk about it :p
My house is clean...the dishes are done, the carpet is vacuumed, THE TOILETS ARE SCRUBBED PEOPLE. (OK, my scrapping area could use a little's in a state of disarray that I like to call "creative chaos" Unfortunately, nothing creative is being created at the moment.)
I got my copy of Scrapbooks, Etc. Made in Minutes from the friendly FedEx guy.
Both of the boys have Halloween costumes ready and waiting - HELLO, it's not even October. Damn, I'm good.
*I* bought my first Christmas present (don't hate me because I'm organized) AND it was for someone I normally have a REALLY hard time buying for. Another biggie for the procrastinator in me - I usually start shopping, oh, around the second week of December.)
The 2Peas Creating Garden blooms tonight...always a new month highlight!
Yup, things are good...and I have something FUN planned for tomorrow night but I'm not sharing what it is yet...just have to wait for that one (and really, it's not a BIG deal so don't get too excited :p)
Everyone have a GREAT weekend!