Trust me, I'm as surprised as anyone! I believe I did a double-, make that triple-take when the technician told me.
This one has me almost completely turned off food (at least for the moment) but addicted to grapefruit juice. I drank five glasses the other day. Then I read the calorie count...130 calories/glass. Also over 100% of your vitamin C. So how did I get sick? Now I'm trying not to drink more than 2 glasses a day.
This one has me vomiting a couple of times a week still. With the boys, second trimester meant the golden era of pregnancy. She's already demonstrating some of the differences between the sexes, huh?
This one has me wanting this shirt in a bad way. I just wish it came in a color other than pink!
Carlos is over-the-moon excited about this little girl. We've had a girl name picked out since before we knew Jake was a boy so at least that part is out of the way. We can talk to her everyday and call her by name. And she most definitely gets daily conversation with at least one of us.
I'm dreaming of spring. Ogling the
Burpee catalog daily trying to decide what I want to grow this year. I have a black thumb so I know I need to start small. I'm thinking just some small herb plants on our deck this year. The tomatoes are calling my name though. And maybe just a couple flowers. (I clearly have no willpower and should not even try to limit myself.)
And this boy has a way with paper and scissors. Notice a resemblance? (probably not if you haven't seen
Kill Bill before. And if you haven't, you should! And no, Jake has NOT seen Kill Bill...the resemblance is purely coincidental...we're pretty lenient about the content they see but Kill Bill is a little too liberal for a 5 year old :p)