So here is goofball School Jake with his cheesy fake smile and his tilt-your-head-just-a-bit-to-the-left-and-now-chin-UP pose. Sure, a handsome little devil but so not Jake. It's obligatory right? That we still order the photos even though they are cheesy and goofballish?

And here is At Home Jake. Still a goofball but this is the REAL Jake. This kid doesn't smile for "real" without his eyes all scrunched up. I love that about him. I have tons of photos that *I* took with the fake cheesy grin but I'm also the only one that can, on occasion, get the real Jake. I also dig the traditional Indian headdress courtesy of the lovely Mrs. Morse at his fine little school. Some school traditions really rock. Please ignore the fact that he is (inadvertently? let's hope.) flipping me off.

This time last week, I expected to be hyperventilating over the pre-Thanksgiving to-do list yet to be concurred. Fortunately, I realized this time last week plus one day that the list just wouldn't be done. And that's cool. The food is accounted for as is the family. Sure, there are a few things I'd like to do still but if I don't have festive little place settings and a season appropriate wreath hanging on Thursday, the world won't end and we'll still all have a fine time. We have much to be thankful for this year. I'm sure (with my posting record) that I won't be posting again before Thanksgiving so to all my friends, enjoy the holiday!