my life, correct? It's good, thanks for asking!
this was the extent of our Valentine's Day celebration...sugaring up the kids at 9 am thanks to grandma and grandpa :) I figured I might as well let them have it early so they could burn it up long before bedtime. And burn it they did - they were madmen today! The good news is that Zack is long asleep (at 7:20 pm) and Jake will be there shortly! Good news for me as I have a buttload of work to do!
And I know you're all on the edge of your seats waiting for my Bonita update. Bonita is doing well :) I've got the simple lace pattern down and I've done a couple of waist shaping decreases...check it out:

I've done about 3 rows since starting on the second skein...I had 5 skeins to start and I don't think I'll need much of the last one so I'm about 20-25% done (although, I'm guessing the neckline and sleeves will be a challenge) I just love the way the pattern builds and grows with each trip around the needles. It's so relaxing...so gratifying. And if this thing actually fits when I'm done, I will wear it with supreme satisfaction. I've had a hard time getting an accurate representation of the color of the yarn.
This is the yarn I'm using though. It's the perfect weight for a summer top and I love the way it's starting to drape!

Up close and personal with the stitch pattern. The pattern calls for some embroidered flowers but I'm forgoing those because 1. I'm lazy, 2. it's a bit too "frilly" for me and 3. I really like the pattern and don't think it needs any additional embellishment. I wish I had more time to put into this but I'm busy right now with a lot of other "stuff" so, I give myself a little time each day just so I don't forget what I'm doing and then get back to work!
I love that my little knitting obsession has hooked me up with other crafty scrapbooking/knitters!
Sue, who I met because she works at the
greatest scrapbook store in Michigan, possibly the world :) She's even got me convinced that I need to try my hand at socks when I SWORE I would never.knit.socks.
Tonya who can even write her patterns (jealous!)
Elizabeth who had a kick-ass set-up on Grammy night :p Seriously - check out all of them because even if you aren't a knitter, their scrapbooking rocks as well!
Oh, and the response to the parking site was so overwhelming (hehe) that I've decided that the FIRST person to provide a picture of a notice in action will get a SWEET RAK from moi ;) Get to it!
love day all :)