I simply adore this photo of my grandma...makes me feel really close to her, lol. Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that I can sleep anytime, anywhere, for extensive periods of time. She passed the trait down to my dad, who in turn, passed it on to me. My mom isn't so bad it either, hehe.
Another reason I love this photo? My grandpa's handwritten note on the back...it says:
Having a bigger sleep.
I'm not sure *exactly* what it means but I love the sound of it. Makes me warm and happy (and, longing for a nap - a bigger one at that.) I had to scan it and include it on the layout.

In other news...I've been busy. Check <---this out. That hasn't happened since I set up my gmail! If you're waiting on an email from me, better send me a reminder :p
We're all set for Easter...dyed eggs yesterday and stickered them up this morning. The Easter Bunny has baskets ready...a good mix of cavity inducing candy and boy spoiling goodies. I have fond memories of Easter from when I was a kid - I hope my boys will when they're adults as well! I distinctly remember "seeing" the Easter Bunny in our house when I was probably 6 or 7. My bedroom door was cracked just an inch. I had one of those doll heads with the long braided yarn hair that was used to hold all of my different colored barrettes. In my mind, I was convinced that those flashes of color, just barely visible through the cracked door, were actually stripes on the shorts the Easter Bunny was surely sporting. He was peeking in on me...in his striped shorts...just making sure I was asleep. I held my eyes squinted tight forever, just allowing enough of a slit to keep my blurry vision trained on him. After what seemed like HOURS, I finally gave in and closed my eyes, figuring he wasn't leaving until he knew I was back to sleep. Amazing what our imaginations can convince us of!
I also remember seeing the Tooth Fairy - that's a story for another day though. Maybe when Jake loses his first tooth (which is will surely surprise me in it's occurrence.)
Share your good Easter memories...because I'm in the mood to be nostalgic :)
Work related stuff - I'm cranking out logos, and may even have time to do a kit or two to release mid month at Two Peas (fingers crossed - it's been awhile!) I have tons of ideas but lack the time and the skill to execute them very well...any digital scrappers out there - requests for what you'd like to see? I can't promise anything but I'm always up for a challenge :)
OK, that was a long one from me! It's been a long time coming though...next time, maybe some more knitting photos (I know, you're all on the edge of your seats!)