
handmade Christmas: 2012

After having our last party on Saturday, Christmas is officially done (once I take all of the decorations down tomorrow, it will be "official" official.) A glimpse at the handmade this year:

on the wall: font // deer silhouette
the annual gingerbread house party
hood cowl for my sister - modeled by Izzy: pattern
this collection becomes:
easy costume jewelry for my sister
nest pendant for my mom: tutorial
art display for my mom: inspired by
(the best part about this gift is that I was able to re-purpose a piece of the crib all three of my babies slept in...only my mom can appreciate the nostalgia factor this thing has)
reading pillows
one for my nephew + one for a dear friend's son: inspired by (I winged the pattern and added a velcro closure on the back)
built by my talented wood-working husband: one wooden 6 pack case w/ opener for my homebrewing step-dad
with accompanying customized bar towels by moi
and of course, the personalized stationery.

Christmas 2012. In the books.


  1. WOW! You are amazing! LOVE the art display and the 6-pack case. Handmade gifts are the best! :)

  2. you are amazing. love, love, love.

  3. oh my gosh, you rock. that is some seriously amazing homemade goods! i want to be part of your family!

  4. Love these! You are awesome. I didn't make ANYTHING this year, and now I'm inspired to start crafting now for next Christmas!



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