
quick tip for remembering download sources

There are so many amazing designers out there sharing their work and talent for free. It's important to recognize them when you use the beautiful things they create. You probably already have a method for cataloging your sources but I've finally discovered what works best for me and it's incredibly EASY so I thought I'd share.

This kit:

Beautiful, right? Can't wait to use it. So, I downloaded it from here. I know she has smartly included her web address on the preview but I wanted to keep track of the direct link to the actual post so after I downloaded the kit, I went to the post and clicked the little icon to the left of the web address,

dragged it over to the kit folder,

and released the mouse button. Boom. There is the link stored right with my download. This is especially helpful when the download is just a single image file with no identifying info as to the source.


  1. Awesome Erica ! I didn't think of that before and it's so easy ! Thanks... And cute cards I'm off to look at too.

  2. Right now I download to individual renamed folders. I'll have to see if this is just as easy!

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    This is genius- Thank you for sharing this great idea!

  4. Great idea! Thanks for sharing this gem.

  5. Great idea! Thanks for sharing this gem.



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