
A few things...

First off, thank you all SO much for the positive thoughts and words, well-wishes, concern and prayers for Zack and our family. He really is doing so much better now (despite still fighting off a cold) and we're definitely past the shock of last Friday.

Second, I just added a few Valentine's Day card templates to EHD. You can see them here!

Finally, I was tagged by Jen (thanks a LOT Jen...can you hear my dripping sarcasm? hehe - KIDDING! I think you owed me one anyway :p) I love Jen because she is a fellow Coldplay lover :D

The rules for this particular tagging are as follows: Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.


Then you get to select five people to pass the love (haha!) on to.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Almost 20...had just transferred from Central Michigan University to Oaklnad University (for a boy )

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Showing our house - trying to sell it in preparation for the big cross-country move! Nothing like total strangers judging your home and lifestyle, lol.

Five snacks you enjoy:
Mexican dip (YUM)
chocolate (in various forms)
pizza rolls (so much goodness in such a petite little package :p)
geez, I don't know, chocolate?
(I'm pretty much an equal opportunity snacker - so hard to narrow it down)

Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
Baby Got Back
I'm a Goofy Goober
Brass Monkey
The Alphabet song (yup, I know I'm smart :p)
Fix You

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire (I'm basically just gonna copy yours Jen):
buy a house
college funds for J, Z and T
quit my job and go back to school
get another Jeep
never wear the same socks or underwear twice

Five bad habits:

picking at my nails
taking on more than I can handle
trying to make everyone happy (see 3)
eating (too much!)

Five things you like doing:
family time

Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again:
pegged/safety pinned pants
a Michael Jackson album
jelly shoes
Pampers (Huggies are SO much better :p)

Five favorite toys:
aaaaaand, that's all the toys I have :p

First time you got kissed: How was it?
gross. that's all I'm saying

First time you drove a car: What kind of car?
hmmmmm, I guess it was an S-10 pickup?

First time you scrapbooked: When you look at your page do you love it?
I still do :) It pretty much sucks but I was proud of it. And I still love the memories it reminds me of!

First time you went on a date: Where did you go and with who?
don't even remember...sad, isn't it?

First time you got on a plane: Where did you go Were you scared?
I think to Florida when I was a baby...nope, not scared :p

First time you shaved your legs: Did you cut yourself?
I don't think so...seems like it took about 45 minutes to complete though, lol.

First time you put on make up: Looking back how did you do? Did you look good or like a clown?
I probably looked like a clown - pre-teens do NOT need Foundation :p

First time you moved out of your home: Was it an apartment, house, etc?
college dorm

I'm pretty sure everyone has done this one (right?) So I'll spare any potential tagees, hehe.

ave a great weekend!


February 02, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0)


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    thanks for answering them:)

    love some of those answers:)

  2. K, serious? You'd buy eteranl supplies of socks and underwear? Not run your own scrap mag... or something?
    But, I have to agree with huggies. :)

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    okay so you totally brought me back with the pinned pants...ewwww!
    and brass monkey, too cool, love that song :)

  4. Jelly Shoes!!!

    I remember once, Sarah & I threw our jellies in the lake to see if they would float.

    It was a sad, sad day.

  5. How do you manage to get "tagged" so darn much? Thanks for sparing the rest of us;)

    Oh, and I'm definately wearing jelly shoes the next time I see you. I have every color. Including rainbow. And sparkles. I RULE!!!

  6. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I remember those pants... not pretty!

    Just read about Z - so glad there was a happy ending and thanks for the warning

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    LOL @ socks & undies!!!



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