I shudder when people use "ain't." There is a song that goes something like that though, right? (OK, minus the uterus part)
I've been busy incubating :) Thanks for the congratulations! The third and final addition to the Hernandez family is scheduled to arrive mid-July. Look Ashley, I used my timer! Just for you to prove that I can actually learn a new camera trick.
Another cool trick? I can grow my butt at the same rate as my stomach! Nifty, huh?
I've had a lot on my mind lately. All random, fascinating stuff.
- I've been listening to a ton of Sara Bareilles the past couple of months. I downloaded the CD thanks to that damn catchy "Love Song" tune but was pleasantly surprised to discover the rest of the CD is really good too. Very reminiscent of Fiona Apple and that is very cool!
- Speaking of music, I've also been watching "We Are the 80's" whenever I catch it on VH1. 80's videos are so cool. They tell a story. And put Aquanet on the map. Unlike the crap videos we have now. They also feature a lot of scenes of people jumping of buildings and cliffs and turning into birds. The only video that I can immediately recall that wasn't a mini-movie was Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me. And I'm not sure I need to see that song translated to movie form.
- I also caught a good chunk of the top 100 videos of the 90's. Was thrilled to find "Baby Got Back" at number 6 (go on, watch it...you know you want to.) It would have been a tragedy had that classic not cracked the top 10.
- One last music mention: the boys both got Sansa Shaker MP3 players from Santa. BIG hit. Especially with little Z who is a rockstar in waiting. Luckily, they share my taste in music so it's not torture when they break them out. Zack is particularly adept with the lyrics of Foo Fighters, Cold War Kids and the Gorillaz. Someday, maybe I'll seek out our video camera so I can tape him! Jake calls his an iPod (which it decidedly is NOT.) Zack calls his an ear pod...which makes much more sense, right?
- Last night we had the hugest wind storm I can remember. Was shocked to wake up to power and school in session still.
- I knit a whole sweater between December 26th and January 6th. More than 3 weeks later and I still haven't added the buttons. A little preview though:
- All of the boys got haircuts recently. Badly needed haircuts. A couple of days ago, I stepped on something sharp. I thought it was a glass sliver from a glass I had broken a few days earlier. Turns out, it was one of Carlos' hairs! Stuck in my big toe. It hurt like hell. No one should have hair sharp enough to penetrate skin. Barbershops in Mexico must be one of the most hazardous places to work on earth. Now I understand why he absolutely *must* take ashower as soon as possible after a haircut.
- I have a bunch of Autumn Leaves clear stamp sets to share with you guys. I have 12 sets so I'll break them into 4 sets of 3. Since we know how great I am at updating this thing, I'll wait until the weekend to draw names for them :) No promises on when they get mailed out though :p